How to Write a Pitch Or Write For Us Content That Will Get You Hired

All Tech Facts
3 min readMay 2, 2022
Write for us
Photo by All Tech Facts

Whether you’re trying to get your first job or getting your next big promotion, no matter how good you are at your job, you have one major hurdle the dreaded write for our pitch. This pitch can determine whether or not you’ll get the job, so you must do everything possible to make sure your pitch will leave the biggest impression possible.

Here are some tips on how to write an effective pitch that will give you the best chance of getting hired and promoted.


If you want to land that dream job as a freelance writer, you’ll need to impress both editors and hiring managers with your pitch. Writing an outstanding pitch can be difficult and maybe even intimidating when you’re still new to the game, but it doesn’t have to be that way! This guide will cover all the ins and outs of writing pitches that will get editors interested and hiring managers excited about hiring you. You’ll find out how to develop the perfect pitch, send it to the right people, avoid common pitfalls, and more!

What Is A Pitch?

A pitch is basically a business proposal that can be used in many different scenarios, but we’re talking about pitching for media coverage. It’s basically an email that you send to editors at newspapers and magazines with hopes of them running your story in their publications.

Step 1 — Understand the role you are applying for

Before you can develop your pitch or content to write for us, you need to know what they are looking for. It’s only by truly understanding their needs that you will be able to write a pitch that speaks directly to them.

If you can speak to their needs and solve their problem, then your chances of securing an interview or freelance gig with them will increase dramatically.

Step 2 — Research the company

If you’re writing for a company that has an online presence, read through their site. If you can’t find any information on their site, do a Google search and look at results from credible sources (the company itself, established news organizations) and content from less credible sources.

Step 3 — Choose what best describes your experience.

A beginner’s guide on how to write for us — The easiest way to get started writing for us is by telling stories about your day-to-day life.

For example -

If you’re wondering about the meaning of the term “write for us,” you could write about your experience working as an administrative assistant.
Write about a crazy coworker or something that happened at work that really made you laugh. Or maybe you have some great advice for getting along with coworkers who can be difficult to deal with. If it’s funny and relevant, we would love to read it!

Step 4 — Review it over and over and over again!

Whether you’re applying for a job or an internship, writing professional-sounding emails and cover letters can seem incredibly daunting.

But don’t worry, it isn’t as hard as it may look. The best thing you can do is practice what you have written until it sounds natural in your head. Because once you know what you want to say but feel unnatural saying it, no one will believe that your skills are really up to par.

Step 5 — Have someone else look at it as well.

It’s always smart to have someone else review your work and help you edit any mistakes or typos. This can be a friend, family member, instructor, or mentor.


Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that your voice is what sets you apart from other candidates. If you can sound genuine and thoughtful in your write for us content, you will win over prospective employers, who may be inundated with applications for every position. As Hemingway said, a good writer’s essential gift is a built-in, shockproof shit detector. So don’t tell me about your skills and education. Show me.



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